Asdf Nodejs Mac m1

Updated May 26, 2024
Created April 1, 2022

Working in an older version of node where no precompiled binaries for the m1 can be a pain. Here are two methods to ease the pain with asdf.

Patch with Rosetta

May not be as reliable but quick and easy. This may effect other binaries you use on your system and required the developer to be aware they need to change the shell everytime they enter the directory.

# Install Rosetta
softwareupdate --install-rosetta

# Run a shell session in x86
arch -x86_64 zsh

# Install the node version required
asdf install nodejs <node-version>
# ie asdf install nodejs 12.22.11

Build from Source

This takes around 10mins but should be more reliable. As there is no emulation occurring via rosetta, it should be more performant.

#!/usr/bin/env zsh

# $ . ./ <node-version>
# ie $ . ./ 12.22.11


NODEJS_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS='--with-intl=full-icu --download=all' \
asdf install nodejs ref:v$VERSION

mv ~/.asdf/installs/nodejs/{ref-v$VERSION,$VERSION}
asdf reshim nodejs
